Ubusha Bami – My Youth: ama2000

Written by Dr Mandy Mpatlanyane

September, 30, 2020

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?A Secret.

The secret to surviving adolescence/teenagehood is to not deny that you are “adoling”. You may not know when you started “adoling” or why everything and everyone is so annoying with this keyword, ADOLESCENCE, but here you are, in the center of your puberty peak and misunderstood by many- sometimes even by yourself.

Wanna hear another secret? It’s all normal. The puberty hormones affect mood, behaviour, physical appearance and so much more.  You will notice a lot of changes, maybe it’s time you learn to accept this phase of your life in a healthy way. All children should know and never be ashamed of their natural bodily changes, afterall you have no control over it. However you react to these changes, this could affect how you interact with many situations in your adult life.

Time and time again I have seen how people neglect the importance of education about sexual and reproductive health among young people. This page is to help you as a teen understand the changes happening in your body, how to approach the topic of sex and reproduction in a simple yet informed way. It is absolutely important to make an informed choice about your own sexual and reproductive health. It’s never too early to learn all you can so you can make the best decision for you.

The secret to surviving adolescence is to not deny the effects of adolescents. Let’s test if you got my point,

*If an electric train is traveling south, which way is the smoke going?

If you said, ‘north’ or gave an answer at all, then you are experiencing the effects of adolescence. 

Silly mistakes happen because of the lack of attention to detail. Not because you are stupid, or incapable of getting the right answer.  But sometimes an experienced eye picks up details quicker.

So just like the riddle, this maybe your first time seeing this question. Likewise, this adolescent phase is your first major life transition. If you re-read the question or ask someone with more experience with this question, silly mistakes can be avoided. It’s the same with anything in life –  the more we talk about good sexual and reproductive health choices in your teenage years the more experienced you’d be in your adulthood to address any issues related to sexual and reproductive health. Let’s get this train going!

Stay tuned for more, share, like and leave a comment about topics you’d like to know about. We’d love to hear from you.

*Answer: There is no smoke, it’s an electric train.

Ubusha Bami futhi yimi lo – My youth and this is me! ©

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