Cost of Sexual Health: In conversation with RN Tetelo Nethenzheni

Written by Ubusha Bami

September, 28, 2023

Hello, hello, Parents of Ubusha. Welcome to the dual podcast-article series in which we have a sit down with experts on sexual and reproductive health, and related issues. In this series our experts draw on their work and experience to give us reliable, accurate and scientifically-based information in an easy to understand way.   

In this month’s episode we talk about The Cost of sexual health with Sister Tetelo Nethenzheni. Sister Nethenzheni hails from a village called Tafelkop, in Limpopo Province. She holds a Master’s degree in Midwifery and neonatal nursing from the University of the Western Cape, and has over 6 years of experience in nursing. Sister Nethenzheni currently works at a public hospital midwife in Cape Town.

We would like to thank Sister Nethenzheni for generously sharing her insights on this important issue. We hope parents, guardians and community members listening are now better equipped to support them through this crazy thing called life.

Do enjoy.

Key Points 

  1. The cost of sexual health is carried by individuals and the state.
  2. There are costs to maintaining a sexually health population – condoms, contracetives, medications, tests and child birth all cost money.  
  3. Adolescent moms and moms-to-be need a lot of support including with child care so they can return to school but that requires trust within the community. 
  4. The rate of HIV infections is still a major concern – this does not need to be the case.
  5. When a new member of a family is added in a situation where poverty is widespread, expectations are added and not subtracted. 
  6. More accountability must be demanded from fathers of children; young moms cannot be the sole carries of the consequences of decisions made by both people. 
  7. It is emotionally, physically, and psychologically expensive to have a child – it is not just a baby but a child who will require a lifelong commitment. 
  8. Family planning is very important. 
  9. Pregnancy comes with many risk factors and complications. 
  10. Adoption and termination are options that need to be considered. 

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