Physical Activity: In conversation with Mr Zolani Nyuliwe

Written by Ubusha Bami

October, 15, 2023

Hello, hello, Parents of Ubusha. Welcome to the dual podcast-article series in which we have a sit down with experts on sexual and reproductive health, and related issues. In this series our experts draw on their work and experience to give us reliable, accurate and scientifically-based information in an easy to understand way.   

In this month’s episode we talk about Physical Activity with Zolani Nyuliwe. Zolani Nyuliwe is a group exercise instructor, personal trainer, road Cyclist and 8 time Comrades marathon medalist. In addition to his extensive experience in the health and fitness industry, he is a qualified economist and teacher.

We would like to thank Zolani Nyuliwe for generously sharing his insights on this important issue. We hope parents, guardians and community members listening are now better equipped to support the adolescents in their lives through this crazy thing called life.

Do enjoy.

Key Points 

  1. Physical exercise is actually about cultivating the mind – exercise is like turning the soil so that the seed lands on fertile ground. The brain and mind are made ready for learning and growth through physical activity.
  2. Start small. Do something e.g. go for a walk, do jumping jacks. The priority is to get the heart pumping.
  3. Set physical health goals that are realistic, have a time frame and ones you can monitor weekly. Just start and keep going.
  4. Parents are the best example children will see, so take your physical health seriously to inspire your children to do the same. 
  5. Not taking your health seriously in early and young years will cost you your health later in life. 
  6. Bodies and people are different, do what works best for you. If you thrive through individual exercise, do that. If you fare better within a group, find a team to join. And find something you enjoy and will make time for. 
  7. Building physical strength and health will increase your confidence and strength in other parts of your life. 
  8. Parents are not powerless, they can influence how much resources and effort is invested by a school. Speak up if the school is not taking physical health seriously enough.
  9. Eat well alongside exercise for the best outcomes.
  10. Set time aside for exercise, you can consider this time to spend with your kids.

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