Tips for ‘Rents – Physical activity

Written by Ubusha Bami

October, 10, 2023

  1. ​​​​​Daily physical activity is still an important part of a healthy developing human. Don’t neglect that. 
  2. Encourage activity that results in breathing heavily, being short of breath, feeling warm, and sweating. 
  3. A child’s mental and behavioral health, self-esteem, school performance, attention and behavior is greatly improved by adequate physical activity. 
  4. Help your child find a sport or activity that they enjoy and is age appropriate. Physical activity shouldn’t be boring or feel like a chore. It is to be enjoyed and be something that gives rather than takes from your child’s life.
  5. Be a role model to your children. Children who regularly see their parents enjoying sports and physical activity are more likely to do so themselves.
  6. Put aside 60 minutes for physical activity daily, and do it at a time that works for everyone. If exercise time clashes with more important and more preferred activities,  it is unlikely to be viewed positively by your child. Prioritise exercise and make it something that is part of everyday life rather than something that clashes with everyday life. 


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