Asking the hard questions: A monologue of self-acceptance

Written by Dr Keneuoe Sihawu

September, 22, 2022

Dear Self, 

I have a few questions  for you, and I’d like honest answers to…

Are you ready? Let’s start.

Why do you have trouble seeing yourself in the best light?  

Why is it so difficult to like what & who you see daily in the mirror?

What do you do with what you see? 

When I reflect on us I see angry acne tagging along, melon sized iron ore weight boobs, accompanied by an ever present flat behind and last but least, our rabbit-like over crowded dental formula? Anyway, I digress…

How do you feel about the colour of the skin that covers your nakedness? 

Would you have preferred to be a shade lighter like those in the photo shopped and filtered pictures on the socials?

How do you feel about your hair, height and weight? 

What about your voice bothers you?

Which parts of you would you rate as the highest form of imperfection?

Maybe let me ask you this…

What is your favourite facial feature?

Which part of your body reminds you of what beauty is?

When have you felt madly in love with who you are?

What brings you incredible, uncontainable joy?

When are you most proud of being in your own skin?

Now imagine someone liking all that bundle of imperfections you possess?

I reckon, someone ought to,

Who you ask?

How about you?



Ubusha Bami futhi yimi lo – My youth and this is me! © 22 September 2022

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