My matter and I

Written by Dr Phumelela Sambumbu & Dr Mandy Mpatlanyane

October, 1, 2020

Matter – A physical substance that occupies space and possesses mass AKA a space filler. Our bodies are space fillers – yet there is more to you than being a placeholder. So just for today let us talk about ‘the matter’ and mise the I? So let’s talk about the body!

We have visible external organs and hidden internal organs. All organs work in some synchronised way to maintain a functional living being. Let’s zoom into reproductive organs, starting with the basics. 

Females have a uterus, 2 ovaries attached to the uterus by the fallopian tubes and like a wine cork the cervix seals the uterus from the bottle neck we call the vajayjay! more maturely known as the vagina.

Males have 2 testicles and one penis all connected together by vas deferens and the urethra; somewhere in that literal pipeline is a prostate. So I know what you’re thinking, once again men are the simpler species!

The truth is that’s not the point… focus on gold and don’t be distracted by silver pennies… Now the gold is the knowledge that the brain is an active participant in lifelong sexual and reproductive functions. Thus,  it is fair to conclude that a healthy understanding of “The Matter” in the physical, emotional and spiritual realm are important.

When was the last time you had a meaningful, healthy and non-judgemental conversation about your body? Talk about your arms, your thighs, your body odour, your pubic hair, your brains function? Wherever the conversation may have led, it is of utmost importance that it be one that incorporates and advocates for healthy ways of engaging and dealing with “the Matter”. 

“If we want our youth to grow up safe, healthy and ready to succeed, then all youth need the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions about sexual health” – Hawaii Youth Services Network. 

The human body is a complex system that not only performs basic functions to keep us alive, but one that also matures and develops to allow us to experience sex, sexuality as well as participate in reproduction. 

While most of these functions are uniform across all human beings, it is important however to note, there are still major physical differences between biological men and women, moreover even within same biological genders. Variety is the name of the game when it comes to the human body 

Let’s take this illustration for example:

Variety! Variety! Variety! but still ‘Matter’ remains constant, it’s a space fuller irrespective of the dimension it occurs in. Maybe let’s ask the question differently, When was the last time you actually looked at the fine specimen called “You”? When last did you self examine your body? Have you ever assessed “the matter’? 

Majority of young adults would rather live to attempt to look different from their natural state than work towards loving themselves as they are. If celebrities and social movements did not raise taboos regarding natural hair and natural skin tone acceptance, how many young people would still independently have concluded and lived out their natural hair and skin tone? 

A fundamental part of healthy sexual education is knowing that each one of us has the right to choose. With choice comes responsibility. The responsibility for each individual to understand their own body, its function, need, desire and most importantly its grand potential.

Ubusha Bami futhi yimi lo – My youth and this is me! ©

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