Coitus – Types of sexual practices

Written by Ms khabonina Matsebula

April, 25, 2021

It is no secret that overt discussion about sexuality has stepped out of the shadows of private life into the public light. Our previously conservative society has gradually moved into a more expressive and confident one in which people are not only proud of who they are, but are equally proud of their sexuality and sexual practices.

It’s crazy to think that just a 100 odd years ago, women were entering marriage without any knowledge on how to have sexual intercourse (or how to make babies – which is what they called it). A typical unmarried woman in the early 1900’s could not tell you where the penis enters the vagina or what happens there after – How WILD!? This just shows you how little people spoke openly and collectively about sex and sexual practices back then.

These days the status quo is quite the opposite. In societies heavily influenced by American-European modes of life, which is pretty much the whole world, discussing sex and sexuality has become part of casual conversation, especially amongst the youth and less conservative older generations. I distinctly remember during late adolescence and early adulthood (a time where most people started exploring and taking an interest in sex) a friend of mine told me how she liked it – from behind. She expressed what she likes to call him – dzaady. I found it so amusing that she had no shame in talking about what she likes when it comes to sexual intercourse. It was also liberating  how she wasn’t afraid to express herself sexually and communicate this with her partner, which at the time wasn’t as common.

Between overt expressions of sexual pratices, and sharing one’s preferences with others, and the no-sex-talk modus operandus of the 1900’s is the all too familiar euphamistic  “birds and bees” – typically used to describe sexual relationships to children as they approach mid to late adolescence. Whether sex is spoken about openly or privately, it remains a central part of social and biological practice. As a practice, sex has multiple forms. Let’s take a look at the most common types of sexual practices and what they entail.

The above column gives a brief outline of some of the most common sexual practices around today. Due to the internet having information on anything and everything paired with a tech savvy younger generation (millennials, generation Z), knowledge of sexual intercourse and the types of practices is attained at a much younger age than previously the case. This can be a pro and con.

  • Pro – We learn much sooner what sexual activities can lead to and try to prevent it. 
  • Con – Premature exposure to explicit content can lead a wandering mind to explore much sooner than they should, leaving them exposed to the consequences at a younger age.  

It’s important to keep an open mind when it comes to the types of sexual practices that are out there. Be careful not to stigmatize people according to the types of sexual practices they prefer. Whatever sexual practice is preferred, it is important to learn and be aware of  the risks that come with the acts. Certain sexual practices have a higher risk of causing serious complications. Moreover, learning can also happen when people allow each other to freely express what they like and dislike, give advice and share tips and ideas. Before you try anything new remember to do your research. Last but not least, engage responsibly!

Ubusha Bami futhi yimi lo – My youth and this is me! ©

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